Discover local agriculture in all its forms at Agri.Fête, from 5 to 7 July on the Place de Sardaigne in Carouge.
From flowers to wine, barnyard produce to honey, all the canton's agricultural sectors will be represented, and there's plenty of surprises in store!
On the programme: games, entertainment, workshops, tastings, sales, food-trucks, concerts and meetings with people involved in Geneva's terroir.
We look forward to seeing you at this not-to-be-missed event, which celebrates those who feed you every day!
Opening times :
Friday 5pm - 2am
Saturday 10am - 2am
Sunday 10am - 6pm
Public transportation :
Tram 12, 18 : Stop Carouge, Marché
Bus 11, 21, 22, 23 : Stop Carouge, Tours