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Sustainability in Geneva

At a time when nature conservation is such a major issue, Geneva has committed to the development of sustainable tourism.

The Canton, the City and the Geneva Tourism & Conventions Foundation are working together to respond to current social, environmental and economic challenges. As a keen traveller, you too can take action while discovering the world thanks to new consumption habits, activities and ways of visiting places. We are pleased to be able to give you a few ideas for your stay in Geneva, so that together we may build a new form of tourism!

Strategy and actions

Experience sustainable tourism in Geneva

Fancy a stay focused on sustainable tourism and a taste of local products?

Discover the restaurants that are ambassadors of Geneva’s terroir, and encourage Geneva producers!

Ambassadeur du Terroir Genevois

The “Ambassadeur du Terroir Genevois” label distinguishes cafés, restaurants and hotels that promote local products. Created in 1997, the label is valid for one year and is renewable if the establishment continues to meet the conditions for obtaining it. It is awarded by the Label Commission, which is made up of five members representing the Société des Cafetiers Restaurateurs, the Société des Hôteliers de Genève, and three representatives of the agricultural community (two wine growers and one market gardener).

Visit the website

GRTA label

What is “Genève Région – Terre Avenir (GRTA)”? 

GRTA is a label that aims to guarantee the quality of Geneva’s agriculture. It was created in 2004 and is owned by the State of Geneva. GRTA is the result of a partnership between producers and the food industry. It certifies that a given product comes from the Geneva region and respects standards of quality, traceability and fairness. It is controlled by an independent body. GRTA meets consumer expectations by promoting the principles of sustainable development.

GRTA’s 4 principles

The GRTA label is a guarantee of fresh, quality products. Specific controls are carried out throughout the production chain.

GRTA products are controlled from the field to the plate. The products are monitored at every stage, from production to processing, packaging and distribution.

The origin of the products is controlled. The production and processing areas lie in the Canton of Geneva and its free zone. This proximity reduces the environmental impact of transport and promotes sustainable agriculture.

People working along the production chain benefit from the conditions laid down in the standard contracts and collective labour agreements.

Fait Maison label

The Fait-Maison (lit. “Homemade”) label distinguishes, on a voluntary basis, restaurants whose food is prepared entirely or for the most part in their own kitchens, without the use of pre-cooked dishes and products.

Visite the website
Read the "Fait Maison" label Specifications

EcoCook label

EcoCook is Switzerland's leading certification and support program for businesses in the hospitality, restaurant, and café sectors.
Highly regarded in Swiss public procurement, by tourism authorities, and accommodation platforms, it is recognized as a benchmark for excellence in sustainability.

The program’s mission is clear: to assess, enhance, showcase, and communicate sustainable practices and commitments, positioning organizations as the top choice in their field.

Through EcoCook, organizations can:

  • Boost their overall performance and environmental impact,
  • Achieve significant cost savings,
  • Ensure sustainable practices across all operations and management levels,
  • Mitigate risks and build resilience,
  • Access a tool for ongoing management, monitoring, and improvement,
  • Effectively communicate and highlight their dedication to sustainability.

Sustainable hotels

Easily find sustainable certified accomodations in Geneva with the "Sustainable choice" filter and tag.

Where to stay

Geneva offers many possibilities, including the fine selection of low carbon impact activities